
Are you wondering what you can currently cook that is regional, seasonal and sustainable?

What questions arise on this topic

  • What foods are there?

    • Where do the seeds [1]] for these foods come from?

    • What does society (community) report about this seed producer?

    • Are the seeds seed-solid seeds? [2]

  • Who grows this food?

    • Which standards does this grower adhere to? (Demeter, Bioland, Naturland, …​)

    • What social conditions “prevail” at this grower with regard to partners, employees?

    • What does society (community) report about this grower?

  • What is the availability of this food?

    • At what time of year is which food harvested and offered in which region?

    • Where is the food available, where can I buy it?

    • Are there purchasing groups [3] in the region?

    • Can I find out about transport or help organize transport?

    • Are there collection points?

  • And last but not least, which recipes are possible?


This certainly non-exhaustive list of questions comes to mind when I ask myself the introductory question. Even to answer these “simple” questions, a lot of public data is needed. This data must be available in a structured form and enriched with metadata. Only then can computers interpret it and provide good answers to our questions.

Further questions arise:

  • Who owns this data?

  • Who collects and maintains the data?

  • Who ensures the quality of the data?

Many issues that need to be addressed! I am convinced that the data belongs to all of us, that we all have a responsibility to collect and and maintain it, whether directly or indirectly. We are also all responsible for quality. And this is ultimately an individual job! Something we also have to come to terms with in society, there is often not just one truth. How we record, evaluate, display and filter opinions, experiences, studies, etc. …​ is another major task.

I look forward to exploring this with you ;-)


At this point I would like to expressly point out once again that the links to external content are information offers. They are only examples and content that everyone must interpret and question for themselves. Interpreting and questioning content is an increasingly important task. A social graph could influence this both positively and negatively. Let’s make the best of it!

1. We are dependent on seeds from the food industry. It may not be wrong to deal with this issue. Find out more at Verein zur Erhaltung der Nutzpflanzenvielfalt e.G.
2. Oh dear, it’s best to search the internet yourself, it’s a very sensitive topic, because the cultivation and propagation of seeds, as it used to be common practice and nature “invented” it, is no longer really permitted by law. There needs to be a public discourse on this topic and people who know what they want to eat. What wikipedia says.
3. i’m not sure if there is an english translation for the term i want to use here. I’m not talking about buying large quantities together to get a bigger discount, but about simplifying the delivery process